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公 司 简 介 在日趋发展的商业社会,一个有生命力的企业必须具有一个充满生机和高效率的办公环境,才得以使公司员工可以淋漓尽致的发挥,使公司展现出完美的形象。 四川都江家具有限公司(原都江富康家具厂)的生产技术和设备、专业的设计和生产人才。采用严格的质量保证管理体系,生产出格调高雅、款式别致的产品,奉献给一切与时代并进的开拓者,更能衬托出纵横天下,杰出超群的卓越风范。都江家具办公家具系列,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,渐现辉煌。An Introduction to CompanyIn the developing commercial society, a vitalized corporation must have a spirited and efficient office environment, in order to give employees enough space to testify their capacity and show the perfect image of their company to other people.Dujiang office have advanced technique and equipment which are imported form other country, and we have professional design and proolucer,and we adopt strict quality quarantee management system, we can product tasteful and chic production, and we want to devote it to all the exploiter we can catch up with th...[详细介绍]
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